Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore | Singapore - Singapore

31 Paterson Road, 烏節, 238522 新加坡, 新加坡

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 的描述

預訂Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore可享 Genius 折扣!只要登入,預訂此住宿即可省一筆。

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 距離烏節路購物區不到 1.5 公里。住宿設有每日 24 小時開放的健身房、室外游泳池和兒童遊戲區。住宿單位配有齊全設備。全館均提供免費 WiFi。



Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 距離烏節地鐵站 1 公里,距離新加坡國家博物館 4 公里,距離濱海灣花園 7 公里,距離樟宜國際機場 22 公里車程。

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 的房间选择

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 的服務

衛浴 私人衛浴, 免費盥洗用品, 浴袍, 吹風機
臥室 衣櫃或衣櫥
戶外 燒烤設施 另外收費
廚房 咖啡機, 爐台, 廚房用具, 微波爐, 冰箱, 簡易廚房
客房設施 燙衣設備
寵物 住宿方允許客人攜帶寵物入住,但需事先提出請求。 住宿方可能會收取額外費用。
客廳 休息區, 書桌
多媒體/科技 衛星頻道, 收音機
網路 住宿公共區域提供WiFi免費。
停車場 車庫
迎賓接待服務 可提供發票, 禮賓服務, 外幣兌換, 24 小時接待櫃檯
娛樂及家庭服務 兒童戶外遊樂設施, 兒童遊戲區, 嬰兒/兒童照護服務 另外收費
清潔服務 熨燙服務 另外收費, 乾洗 另外收費, 洗衣 另外收費
商務設施 傳真/複印 另外收費
安全 滅火器, 住宿外設有監視器, 公共區域設有監視器, 偵煙探測器, 警報器, 房卡進出, 24 小時警衛, 保險箱
室外游泳池 全年開放, 開放時間
養生會館 熱水按摩池, 健身中心
其他 吸菸區, 空調, 全面禁菸, 電梯, 家庭房, 無障礙設施, 禁菸客房
使用的語言 英語

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 條件

入住時間 從 15:00 時
退房時間 11:00 前
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡限制 須年滿 18 歲才能辦理入住
此住宿接受以下信用卡別 Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore接受上列信用卡並有權於抵達前暫時保留部分款項。
吸菸政策 禁止吸菸
派對 禁止舉行派對/活動
寵物 住宿方允許客人攜帶寵物入住,但需事先提出請求。 住宿方可能會收取額外費用。


請提前告知Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore (SG Clean)

What is the average price to stay at Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore?

The average price is 204 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates. usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.


Can smoker smoke in balcony?

Dear Guest, Thank you for your inquires, Please be informed that Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore are Non-smoking property. Best regards Oanh Mai

is pet allowed?

Dear Guest, Our properties are pet friendly. Pet are allowed from 1 Bedroom apartment onwards and can accommodate up to a maximum of 2 pets per apartment. Pets must be under 2 feet tall. Pet levy charges applied. Thank you

How old are you ?

Our property's official opening was in year 2019, August 23rd.

Do you provide car park?

Dear Guest Complimentary Car park (one lot per apartment) Thank you

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 的 100% 真實評論


旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore,你會強調什麼
Very convenient location great service just like home
Just like Home. It has own laundry washing machine.
Very convenient location, nearby MRT Breakfast is delicious, great service !people who work in the cafeteria area are very nice and friendly, especially Chef Angle peck yee!
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore,你會強調什麼
Great location, nice room
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore,你會強調什麼
Thank you for a lovely stay!
Very friendly staff and clean property
the higher floors might be a bit scary for families with kids due to the building structure
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore,你會強調什麼
Great place on a good location.
Was a great apart hotel in a good and central location.

Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore 附近
Singapore / Singapore


ION Orchard ION Orchard
0.2 miles
Orchard MRT Station Orchard MRT Station
0.3 miles
Wisma Atria Wisma Atria
0.3 miles
Ngee Ann City Ngee Ann City
0.3 miles
Lucky Plaza Lucky Plaza
0.4 miles


Singapore Art Museum Singapore Art Museum
1.5 miles
City Hall MRT Station City Hall MRT Station
1.6 miles
Raffles City Raffles City
1.7 miles
Mustafa Center Mustafa Center
1.9 miles
Esplanade Theatres on the Bay Esplanade Theatres on the Bay
2 miles

Connections & Popular Places of interest

Jumbo Seafood 

Restaurant Jumbo Seafood Restaurant
0.5 miles
Salt Grill & Sky BAR

Cafe/Bar Salt Grill & Sky BAR Cafe/Bar
0.5 miles
Changi Airport Changi Airport
11.2 miles
Hang Nadim Airport Hang Nadim Airport
23.6 miles
Sultan Ismail Airport Sultan Ismail Airport
26 miles

- Fraser Residence Orchard Singapore -

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